Mat-Su Figure Skating Club
ARTICLE 1. Preamble
Section 1. Name
The organization shall be known as the Mat-Su Figure Skating Club. For all purposes this name may be abbreviated MSFSC, and may also hereinafter be referred to as “the Club.”
Section 2. Incorporation
The organization is pending association under the Laws of the State of Alaska, City of Wasilla and Mat-Su Borough.
Section 3. Officers Of Association.
The original four professional members of the Mat-Su Figure Skating Club shall be the Officers of Association.
The MSFSC is a non-profit association existing solely for the benefit of its members. The purposes of the Mat-Su Figure Skating Club are:
A. To support and encourage the sport of figure skating within the local and regional community.
B. To cultivate and develop a spirit of mutual respect and support among ice skaters, both competitive and recreational, of all ages and abilities.
C. To provide access to facilities and programs that offer persons of all ages the chance to participate in ice skating at a level that meets their needs. The club exists to encourage the instruction, practice and advancement of any figure skating discipline, to encourage a spirit of friendship among ice skaters.
Section 1. Titles
The club officers shall be elected from and by the Board of Directors by a majority vote and shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.
Section 2. Duties of the president
The president shall take charge of the club and preside at all meetings of the board of directors and membership. The president shall be responsible for the entire supervision and management of the club, its members and its properties, pending action by the board of directors. The president shall have the power to call special meetings. With the board of directors’ approval, the president and/or the secretary shall sign all club agreements and contracts.
Section 3. Duties of the vice-president
The vice-president shall assist the president with overall club management in preparation for assuming the office of president. In the president’s absence, the president-elect shall take charge of the club, preside at meetings, and in general, assume the president’s duties and responsibilities.
Section 4. Duties of the treasurer
The treasurer shall have charge of the club’s funds and maintain its financial records, including all receipts and disbursements. The treasurer shall furnish a written financial report at each board meeting and a fiscal year-to-date report at the annual meeting.
(S)he shall deposit all money’s and valuables entrusted to her/him in such financial institutions as the Board of Directors designates and shall disburse moneys only as duly authorized by the Board, keeping proper receipts for such expenditures.
Requests for disbursement must be in a form or on a voucher approved by the board. The treasurer shall not make disbursements of more than $300 without board approval.
Section 5. Duties of the secretary
The secretary shall prepare and maintain the official minutes of board and membership meetings. The secretary shall supervise and retain reports and documents connected with club business.
Section 6. Vacancies
If any of these offices are vacant by reason of resignation, removal, death or otherwise, the board shall fill any position by a majority vote. If the position cannot be filled, the current President and/or Vice President will assume the responsibilities of the vacant positions. The Board holds authority to approve a temporary replacement if a director is absent from three board meetings within a calendar year.
Section 7. Removal of Director
The Board may remove an officer or board member for just cause by a two-thirds vote of the Board. The officer or Board member so removed shall have a right to appeal such decision in writing or in person to the Board within thirty (30) days of notification.
Section 1. Qualification
Directors must be members or a relation to members of the Ice Skating Institute or The United States Figure Skating Association. Directors must also be financially current with coaches, ice arenas, & club.
Section 2. Authority
The board shall have entire authority over club management, finances and property. The board shall make and communicate such rules as are necessary to protect use of the club’s name, facilities and property. These rules may include admission requirements for guests, penalties for rules infractions, etc.
Section 3. Financial responsibility
The board shall prepare and communicate to members an annual budget, including anticipated expenses and the proposed sources of revenue to meet those expenses. This budget shall be presented at the annual membership meeting.
The board shall exercise due diligence in monitoring all appropriations from club funds, and shall be responsible for assuring that any required tax returns and other government reports are filed on time.
Section 4. Terms of Office
Directors shall be elected for a two-year term. A board director may serve a total of four consecutive years in one position, at which point, one twelve month period must elapse before that individual is eligible to return to the board as director.
Section 5. Quorum
Two-thirds of the board shall constitute a quorum. Business motions shall be approved by a simple majority.
Section 6. Meetings
The board shall meet at least once each month during the skating season, with no less than nine meetings during the calendar year.
Any four board members may request a special meeting, provided that they give written notice to all board members at least seven days prior to the meeting. The written notice shall include the date, time and place of the meeting, the purpose for which the meeting is being called, and the names of the four members requesting the meeting.
Section 1. Time
The election of officers and directors shall take place at the annual meeting.
Section 2. Voting
Fifteen percent of the current active members shall constitute a quorum for purposes of election. Members shall vote at the annual membership meeting or assign their vote by proxy to another voting member. A simple majority determines the office-holder. In the event of a tie, the winner of the office will be determined by a coin toss.
Section 4. Records
The secretary shall preserve the election records for one year.
Section 1. Eligibility
Membership in the club is open to all individuals interested in the club’s purpose who are current members of the ISI or U.S. Figure Skating Association or a relation to member.
Section 2. Classes of membership.
Individual Members (non-skating) (Voting)
Voting individual members shall be those individual age 18 or older. These individuals have all privileges of membership, including voting, nominating officers and directors, and holding office.
Junior members (non-voting)
Junior members shall be those younger than age 18. These members shall not hold club office. On behalf of each junior member, his or her parent or adult guardian may nominate officers and directors and may vote on matters before the members at the annual membership meeting, including election of officers and directors.
Adult Members (skating) (voting)
Adult skating members shall be those older than age 18. These members can hold club office. They may nominate officers and directors and may vote on matters before the members at the annual membership meeting, including election of officers and directors.
Professional members (voting)
Professional members are those individuals who support the club through payment of annual club dues and who receive compensation for providing instruction and coaching to individual skaters. These members shall not hold office, nor shall they nominate officers or directors. The current professional members of the Mat-Su Figure Skating Club must be in two-thirds agreement with any amendment made to the Bylaws of the Mat-Su Figure Skating Club. Professional members must maintain personal liability insurance through ISI, USFSA, or PSA.
Section 3. Application for membership
All individuals who wish to affiliate with the club must complete an application form and pay the appropriate fees for their class of membership.
Section 4. Membership suspension or termination
By vote of a majority of the board, an individual’s membership may be suspended or terminated for actions or conduct damaging to the club, its members or the community the club serves.
Section 5. Conflict resolution
If any club member has a complaint against another member for an infraction of club bylaws, policies or procedures, that individual may file a complaint in writing to the board. The complaint shall include the facts of the case and the names and contact information for individuals who can substantiate the facts stated in the complaint.
Upon receiving a written complaint, the president will within 10 days, submit a written report to the full board, along with a recommendation for action to resolve the complaint. The person filing the complaint and the individual who is the subject of the complaint will receive copies of the recommendation. If the recommendation does not resolve the conflict, then the president shall call a special meeting within 21 days, notifying both individuals in writing of the date, time and place at least 14 days prior to the meeting. The individuals will present their issues to the full board and be available to answer questions during discussion. The board shall determine the action necessary to protect the club, including a penalty to any party in the matter of the complaint.
A. All members of the MSFSC shall be responsible for prompt payment of all dues and fees as specified by the Board of Directors and for compliance with the Bylaws and Rules of the Club. Failure to do so may result in suspension or expulsion of the member.
B. Club members, individual, junior, adult and professional, are required to contribute 10 hours of voluntary service to the MSFSC on an annual basis.
C. Members are expected to participate in functions and fundraisers provided by the Club.
D. Club members in good standing are eligible to apply for monetary awards based on the individual members volunteer hours and fundraising involvement.
Section 7. Fundraising for Members
Fundraising opportunities will be available for all members of the MSFSC. Fundraisers will be used to raise funds for the individual members of the MSFSC and to supply club ice for its members. Members will be eligible to withdraw funds from their fundraising account based on the amount of time they devoted to any one fundraising event.
All monies raised during a fundraiser intended for individual disbursement will be divided amongst participating members based on their involvement in the event.
Section 1. Time
The board shall call at least one annual club membership meeting each year.
Section 2. Notices
Members shall receive written notice of the annual meeting at least four weeks in advance.
Section 3. Quorum
Fifteen percent of voting club members shall make up a quorum for transaction of business at a regular membership meeting. Thirty percent of voting membership shall make up a quorum for transaction of business at special meetings
The board of directors shall determine the amount of the annual dues, fees and assessments payable to the club during each fiscal year, and may change those fees from time to time if deemed necessary to meet the club’s financial obligations.
The voting members may amend these bylaws, by a two-thirds majority vote at any regular membership meeting provided a four-week notice of the proposed amendments has been sent by postal mail to voting members. Proxies may be used. The current professional members of the Mat-Su Valley Figure Skating Club must be in two-thirds agreement with any amendment made to the Bylaws of the Mat-Su Figure Skating Club.
Approved and Adopted This Date, April 17th, 2010.