Thursday, August 26, 2010

No Meeting Tonight!!

Sorry this is last minute but there will not be a club meeting tonight. If you have anything pressing that you wanted to discuss, please contact one of the board members.

We will resume our regularly scheduled meetings in September. Enjoy the sunshine, State Fair and Good Luck to all of the Top Of The World Competitors over the weekend.

- Posted by Tasha using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Freestyle Sessions!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that 4 new freestyle sessions have been added at the Wasilla Sports Complex.
Tues an Thurs they've added 8:00am-9:30 (in addition to the 9:30am-11:45am session) and on Monday and Thursday they've added 3:45-4:45pm sessions (check their online schedule as those afternoon times occasionally change to 4-5).
**I would highly encourage you to take advantage of as much freestyle ice as you can. The only way we'll ensure more ice next year is to show them that we'll use what they give us!!**
Enjoy the sunny day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:W Carlsbad Pl,Wasilla,United States

Saturday, August 7, 2010

July Meeting Highlights

Thanks to all who attended our July MSFSC meeting. Here are the highlights;

*The Alaska State Fair is rapidly approaching. We'd like to know if your interested in creating a float and marching in the parade. (Please see the side bar to vote!)

*The logo was voted on and approved. The official logo for the Mat-Su Figure Skating Club will be posted soon along with information on how to get your logo apparel.

*We did a huge brainstorming session on fall and winter fundraising ideas. Some of the ideas were; selling food during the re-start of the Iditarod, Dairy Queen, a Skate-A-Thon (in conjunction with one of the Anchorage clubs), a holiday Bazaar, selling hot drinks and snacks at the Halloween Skate at Brett, Selling hot drinks and snacks at the Valentines Skate at Brett, A Winter Recreation Festival at Wasilla Lake providing skate rentals, food, drinks, etc., a fashion show on ice, a gift wrapping kiosk, and a spaghetti feed or Chili feed. If you have more to add please comment on this post or email one of the club officials.

* A copy of the upcoming Skating Events was handed out to those in attendance.

*The upcoming homeschool fair at the Sports Complex was discussed and it was decided that fliers introducing the club would be at a table purchased by the participating coaches instead of the MSFSC.

*A formal vote was taken to determine that the club would go through with obtaining non-profit status and pay all fees that that entails.

* An off ice skating class was announced and will be held at Twindly Bridge Charter School on Tuesday mornings starting soon. (More details to follow)

*A Banner will be ordered with the club name and logo and will be presented at the next meeting.
The meeting commenced at 6pm and ended at 8:30pm. Present: Lois and Kaitlyn Randall, Casey and Autumn Borg, Natasha Bowers, Katie and Courtney Villanueva, Jen and Ron Roelfs and Sheree Hugli.

If you have any questions or comments we would LOVE to hear from you!