Sunday, January 23, 2011

Skatefest Application Deadline!

Just a reminder!!
Iditarod Days Skatefest applications are due tomorrow, Tuesday January 25th. Please bring your applications to your coach to review and sign before turning in to the Brett Ice Arena.

If you need to test prior to the competition there will be two final testing sessions held at the Brett. They will be Tuesday February 1, 6:15-7:00pm and Saturday February 5th, 11:15am. You will need to make a reservation to test on either of these sessions.

Let's get those applications in and make Skatefest's 25th year a great one!!

If you have questions about the applications or testing please contact Sheree Hugli at #907-376-9278

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Meeting Location Change!! & **FUNDRAISER**!!

The meeting will be at DAIRY QUEEN in Wasilla NOT Pandemonium.

Join us this THURSDAY
January 13th for our
Mat-Su Figure Skating Club monthly meeting and FUNDRAISER!!

The meeting will run in exactly the same manner EXCEPT it will not only be a meeting but a **FUNDRAISER** too.

DETAILS: The actual meeting will begin at 7:00pm and finish at 8:30pm as usual. However the FUNDRAISER will begin at 6:00pm and end at 9:00pm. If you would like to participate in the fundraiser I would encourage you to be there at 6:00 to take full advantage of the profits!

HOW IT WORKS: We will be doing a Dairy Queen Take-Over. Each club member in attendance will split the evenings profits based on how much time you spend at the fundraiser. (Example: If two club members arrive at 6pm and stay until 9 they will receive 2 portions of the total amount that the club earns.) There will be a sign in sheet to sign your members in so be early to get the best advantage!!
All you have to do is enjoy your food and treats during the meeting, and DQ Grill & Chill ®TM will contribute 10% of the total three hour sales to our group.

So invite your family and friends to dine at Dairy Queen and lets have a GREAT meeting and fundraiser!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's that time again...

The January meeting has arrived!
Join us at Pandemonium on Thursday, January 13th ~ 7:00pm
ALL are welcome

Update on the Club Jackets!!
Upcoming Competitions!!
And more!!