Friday, July 29, 2011

Wasilla Sports Complex Ice Is In!!

Curtis C Menard Wasilla Sports Complex has ice ~ and LOTS of it!!
Freestyle & Public Ice runs ALL WEEK from 7:30am-5:15pm!!! (with an hour and a half exception on Wednesday) Can you believe it, over 9 hours of available ice time per day!! Let's show them we appreciate it and make use of as much ice as we can!!!
Congratulations to all of our Mat-Su Figure Skating Club Worlds competitors!! Everyone skated beautifully!
One more reminder~ the MSFSC will have a table at the Bear Paw competition next Saturday and Sunday. If you are available to help during the competition, set-up or brake down, please stop by the table and see where help is needed :)

- Posted by Tasha using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Freeway Blvd,Minneapolis,United States

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

There was fun to be had on the 4th of July!

The Mat-Su Figure Skating Club met in Wasilla to march in the 4th of July parade. Over 20 members participated and handed out 1300 pieces of info and candy during the parade.

A huge THANK YOU to the Lorimer family who worked hard on our new set of large wooded skates that we can use over and over for events. Here are a few pictures of the fun!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mat Su Figure Skating Club - Meeting
Minutes July 11, 2011

The meeting began at 7:15 at Carl's Jr. in Wasilla. The members present were: Natasha, Jada and Skylar Bowers, Jen Jen and Ray Rolfs, Doris and Becka Nichols, Amanda, Vannessa, and Anne Marie Steward, Casey, Jessica, Katarina, and Autumn Borg, Lois and Katlyn Randal, Wendy, Molly, and Jade Ellis.

Worlds Competition:

ISI Worlds is coming up July 25-30 in Blaine Minnesota. The Worlds competitors are: Autumn Borg, Jade Bowers, Skylar Bowers, Jen Jen Rolfs, Katlyn Randal, and Sherri Hugli. GOOD LUCK TO ALL PARTICIPANTS!!!

Amanda reported that the ISI Worlds account was at 1007.13. The total money that was raised from Business letters was $750.00. This money was distributed to all Worlds competitors at the meeting. The alloted amount was split between those who participated in the business letters (which were alloted $196.46 each) It was decided that any letter money that comes in after Worlds will be distributed to worlds competitors after worlds at our next meeting in August.

ISI Worlds pins are in. Each club member can buy them for $1.00 a piece. It was made mandatory for all Worlds competitors to purchase a minumum of 25 pins.

Natasha will be sending out a list the everyone of the schedules

Jessica will be sending out a list of everyones e-mail and phone numbers of members to use while in Minnesota.

4th of July Parade:

Mat Su Figure Skaters participated in the 4th of July parade in Wasilla. They sold items after the parade and made $62.72 ($33.00 to Worlds competitors, and $33.00 to the participants account)

Upcoming Competitions:

ISI Worlds in Blaine Minnesota, July 25-30
ISI Bearpaw competiton, Eagle River Ak, August 5th & 6th
USFSA Top of the World competition, Eagle River AK, August 20th & 21st


Natasha will be arranging a table at Bear Paw for our sales. Please let her know if you are able to work.

Wasilla Police dept offers their lot for car wash use on Saturdays and Sundays. They provide the water, we would need to bring hoses, buckets, soap, towels etc. Club tabled the idea until after Worlds.

Doris would look into sweeping sidewalks or parking lots in the spring for donations

It was brough up that we should look into period shows at Hockey games, and selling glow necklaces etc.

Natasha will be checking if we can work the fair gate during the state fair. This has proven to be a big fundraiser.


Amanda Steward has resigned as our Treasurer and Jessica Borg was nomintated and accepted the position.

Wendy Ellis was nominated and accepted the position as our Secretary.

Monday, August 8th at Nunley Park (weather permitting) or Carls Jr. Wasilla. @ 7pm

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Meeting Reminder for Tomorrow!

This is a reminder email about our monthly meeting held on the 2nd Monday of every month.
Tomorrow if the weather is *SUNNY* our meeting will be held at Nunley Park in Wasilla. If the weather isn't favorable we will be meeting at Carls Jr. in Wasilla (so the kiddos can play in the play area).
The meeting will begin at 7:00 and end at 8:30. We will be covering the last of our summer fundraisers and preparing for our fall season.
Hope to see EVERYONE there!!