Friday, March 8, 2013

Skatefest Reminders!!

A few last minute Skatefest reminders....

With Skatefest less then 24 hours away we wanted to send out a few reminders to our competitors, spectators, club members and their families.

The MSFSC has several exciting fundraisers happening this weekend, and we will need lots of help to make everything run smoothly. 

ZUCA: We were able to get a ZUCA bag at a HUGE discount (thanks to Amanda) for our raffle!! 

SILENT AUCTION: We will be having a Silent Auction table at the competition again this year. This has been a fantastic fundraiser for our club members and is a great opportunity to build your individual funds! If you would like to participate please bring an item or basket to include in the auction. We will have forms on the table to fill out for your item(s). 

DRESS SALE: We have a great collection of dresses and costumes for our dress sale. If you have dress's/costumes to sell please bring all items labeled with a hanger. Label must have your name, number and price listed on each item. 

SALE TABLE: We will also have a table for items that are for sale. These are any fixed price items that members will be selling. Please label each item with your information and price. 

***PLEASE HELP! We will need as much help as we can get running our tables during the competition! If you can spare a few hours of your time during the weekend, between events, please come and help at the table. It is expected that all participating club members dedicate some time to ensure success for everyone involved!! We will have a sign up list at the table, please help where ever you can so that one family isn't stuck behind the table all weekend. 

***BRING FOOD!! Sheree is also still looking for food donations for the Judges room on Sunday. She is in need of items that can be heated in a toaster for breakfast; frozen waffles, english muffins, toast, etc. as well as condiments ~ butter, syrup, jam...
She is also looking for "warm" food for Sunday afternoon/evening. 

A HUGE THANK-YOU to every family who puts in countless hours to make these competitions a success!!   



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